Group activity:

given the homework and the R topics so far: * what are your uncertainties and confusions? * what have you discovered (or known from past experiences) outside what we have covered in class that you can share with others?

Lecture handout:

chp3-handout.pdf (continued from variance of linear combinations of random variables) and chp4-handout.pdf

Lecture slides (w/ answers):

chp3.pdf chp4.pdf


Chapter 3: Probability, Chapter 4: Distributions of Random Variables

R Topics:

length() #vs sum()
mean(), sd(), var()
which, subset
labels for graphs: plot(..., main="main title", sub="subtitle", xlab="x-label", ylab="y-label")

rmarkdown chunk parameters:

echo=TRUE (default)/FALSE: whether to show the code in the output document, or not 
eval=TRUE (default)/FALSE: whether to run the code or not , 
tidy=FALSE (default/TRUE: whether to tidy the code
results='markup' (default): 
results=hide: show only figures
results=asis: put the results into rmarkdown instead of the output document
results=hold: show the results after all the code in the block

for more info see

probability distribution functions

rnorm, dnorm, qnorm, pnorm
rgeom, dgeom, qgeom, pgeom
rbinom, dbinom, qbinom, pbinom
choose, lchoose